Introduction to Digital Marketing

What is marketing?
Marketing is all about understanding their customers’ needs. And sell the products or services according to their customer needs.
When any business is going on top which is on top theirs market .That is called marketing.
Ex. iPhones always launch their product to their customer needs.
That’s why it is always in top in the market.
If you want your company on top so just do that things just add new things in your business.

Types of marketing:-
Digital marketing
Email marketing
Content marketing
Influencer marketing
Social media marketing
Event marketing
Brand marketing
Print marketing
Search engine marketing
Affiliate marketing. Ext..!!
There are two types of marketing:-
Digital marketing
Traditional marketing
What is digital marketing?
Digital marketing means to promote your business digitally. To run ads of any business.!! Digital marketing also called online the promotion of brands to connect with potential customers using the internet and other forms of digital communication.

Four pillars of digital marketing:-
These four things are very important for any business because of if these are not your business can’t be running your business.
If you start your business you will be aware of your customers about your product or service.
After that you will be considered by your customer for your product or service.
You will gain your customer loyalty about your products or service. When you gain their loyalty about your business they will be your regular customer.And once you gain their loyalty they definitely will purchase and they will be aware of your product with their friends, family & that person who knows them.!!

Types of digital marketing:-
Content marketing
Search engine marketing
Social media marketing
Influencer marketing
Affiliate marketing
Email marketing.
What is traditional marketing?
Traditional marketing is used offline which continues for a very long time.
Ex :- traditional marketing includes things like newspaper ads, print ads tv and radio ext.
We can say that these are types of traditional marketing also Tv, radio, and advertisements through newspaper.
“In a simple word that To promote our business Without internet that is called traditional marketing”
What is the content?
Content is the collection of images, videos audio text..!!
These are types of content “ image videos text audio.’’
Why is content important?
Because when you want your business to improve than provide good content on your website, good and fresh content is very important because when any customer visits your website they will watch your era through photos, text(review) videos.!!
What is content marketing?
Content marketing , it means to attract your audience and grow your followers or audience by using podcasts, videos, blogs, and influencers.
Types of content marketing:-
Research journal
White paper
Case study
Infographic. EXT.
What is a website?
Website is the collection of web pages which provide information related to the business.!!
Types of website:-
Ecommerce website
Personal portfolio
Corporate website
Social media website
Information website.

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